Awards and Recognitions
CfBT has designed a mobile based pictorial School Score Card (SSC) that depicts school quality indicators for the illiterate mothers of the school children. By using the SSC on their mobile devices, mothers can easily understand and score the school on basic quality parameters such as- student enrolment, basic infrastructure, teacher attendance etc. As part of the School Management Committees the mothers are now engaged with the schools monitoring and evaluation process.
They also send SMS’s of all the data they have collected to a centralized server that is analysed for monitoring performance. The parent members then share this data with the other members of the SMC and the performance of the school is discussed with the school leaders during monthly meetings and joint responsibility is taken for the improvement of standards.
This innovation has procured CfBT, India the honour as a social innovator in Education by the NASSCOM Social Innovation Forum 2016 and chosen as a winner from over 300 participants. CfBT has also received a catalytic grant to scale up the innovation and make it available to parents and students of government schools nationwide. It was in this phase, that the grant money was further invested in designing a Mobile School Scorecard Application to improve the efficiency of the tool.