What Matters to Us
CfBT, India is a not-profit education services provider, affiliated to Education Development Trust, UK. Education Development Trust is a leading not-for-profit education consultancy and service organization working in over 20 countries around the world. We work with government and non-government organizations as well as donors and funding agencies to build the capacity of educational institutions. Through shared international expertise we work across a wide variety of learning and skills settings, managing projects and developing products and services to client specifications. All of the organizations surpluses are used for educational purposes as well as reinvesting every year into practice-based education research.
We work towards enhancement of quality in education by providing a range of services from thought leadership in schools to parent and student orientation programmes. Our first steps in India were taken in 2001 with a research project exploring public private partnerships in education entitled ‘Project for Improvement of Private Education’. This research analyzed teaching as well as educational and financial standards in local schools. A key objective of the research was to explore how an agency might be able to assist with capacity building in Indian schools.
Over the years, research and expressed needs of teachers and managers of schools prompted CfBT to design and offer customized and contextual education services. Our areas of work soon included Early Childhood Education services, English Language Improvement Programmes in association with testing and certification from Cambridge ESOL School Inspections and Accreditation, and CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) - a service that provides opportunities to teachers and head teachers for continuous professional development with options of certification from University of Cambridge, UK.
Our values are a mixture of what we believe as CfBT, India as well as some of our parent organisation’s values. We believe that our approach to create self-sustaining delivery systems which raise standards in teaching and learning should: